
联系人: 安娜Briseno
(202) 266-8132

NAHB has compiled a list of resources and customizable materials for state and local associations to share with members, 媒体, consumers and housing stakeholders in your community about NAHB的 Housing Plan to ease the housing affordability crisis.


hba and members can use these talking points to frame messages about NAHB的 Housing Plan to make homes more attainable.

  • In this election season, NAHB is working to keep housing at the forefront of the political agenda.
  • Our message is strong and concise: The only way to tame shelter inflation (homeownership and rental costs) and ease the housing affordability crisis is to build more homes.
  • 我们将向国会传达这一信息, 新闻媒体, 社交媒体, 州和地方民选官员, and other interested stakeholders who can influence the political debate.
  • This election season is the first in years when many policymakers at all levels of government have acknowledged that action must be taken to provide more affordable homeownership and rental housing opportunities for all Americans.
  • NAHB的 10-point blueprint builds on this momentum and calls for concrete steps at the local, state and federal levels to address the root of the problem – the impediments to increasing the nation’s housing supply.
  • The objective is to keep housing in the national spotlight and promote common-sense solutions that will help the housing community successfully tackle America’s housing shortfall, 弯曲住房成本曲线, and provide all Americans with better homeownership and rental housing opportunities.

For additional talking points on the NAHB的 housing plan and other housing industry-related issues, 参观 每月更新页面.


This election cycle is a great time to pitch a specific story to local media, which are always looking for a news hook about housing affordability. NAHB的 10点计划op-ed模板 can help draw attention to how your association and NAHB are working together to advocate for housing affordability.

NAHB的 可定制的消费者文章模板,以州/地方新闻角度为特色. You can submit this article to your local media outlet explaining NAHB的 blueprint and your association’s advocacy for housing affordability.

如果你能得到媒体的采访,NAHB 处理媒体和公共关系的最佳实践 provides a quick refresher on how to conduct successful interviews and educate the public about the real issues facing housing today.


hba can customize or use these 社交媒体 post as-is to promote NAHB的 housing platform.

  • 全国范围内大约有1.5 million housing units making it increasingly difficult for American families to afford to purchase or rent a home, NAHB recently unveiled a 10-point plan designed to tame shelter inflation and ease the # housingaffordability crisis by removing barriers to the construction of new homes and apartments. (链接:
  • Zoning laws that increase density and offer developers more flexibility can lead to more units being built for a wide variety of price points, 改善 # housingaffordability. View more about proposed housing industry solutions that address inefficient land use policies which drive up housing costs. (链接:
  • When impact fees fund unrelated city or county services not connected to new home construction, this unfairly raises housing costs for home buyers and renters alike. 了解更多 about the proposed solutions from the housing industry that keep the home buyer in mind. # housingaffordability. (链接:
  • Permitting delays at all levels of government raise construction costs. 了解更多 about the residential construction industry’s solution to streamlining the process locally # housingaffordability (链接:
  • A severe labor shortage in the construction industry is worsening the housing affordability crisis through higher home building costs and construction delays. 了解更多 about the proposed policy solutions at all levels of government. # housingaffordability (链接:


To help educate members about NAHB的 Housing Plan plan, consider adding the following copy to your member newsletter, 网站或博客.

(Sample Headline) NAHB Plan Addresses 住房负担能力

全国范围内大约有1.5 million housing units that is making it increasingly difficult for American families to afford to purchase or rent a home, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently unveiled a 十点住房计划 designed to tame shelter inflation and ease the housing affordability crisis by removing barriers that hinder the construction of new homes and apartments. The only way to effectively tame shelter inflation is to build more attainable, affordable housing.

U.S. 国会大厦

